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Happy Saturday!

It's officially February which means registration for the 2025 summer season is officially open and the deadline to register is April 6th! The link below will take you to the registration page on the website.


We are doing a new fundraiser event this year which will be a BINGO night on February 22nd so save that date and stay tuned for more details!


Click on the registration tab to the left of the page!


We made a few changes, too many to list out, so PLEASE double check your team's schedule and coaches should be letting everyone know of individual changes that apply.

As a reminder, the most updated schedule should have todays date of 7/10/24 in the top left corner.


I am sharing the updated schedule with the changes made after moving the games from Saturday that are as follows:

6v4 plays 7/11 at 6pm F1

7v5 plays 7/11 at 6pm F2

3v1 at 9am and 2v1 at 10am on 7/13 F1 with awards for divisions 4-5 and 6-8 to follow at 11am

The most updated schedule will have todays date, 7/1/24, in the top left corner.


With needing to cancel games lastnight, there have been a handful of changes made to the schedule to get the games in. I will share the detailed changes but PLEASE DOUBLE CHECK your player's individual schedule!!

  1. 18 v 16 moved to 7/10 at 7:30 pm F2 so those teams now play a double header

  2. 18 v 19 moves to 7/17 at 9 pm F1

  3. 9-12 playoff games on 7/15 move to 6 pm on both fields

  4. 15 v 17 F moves to 7/11 at 9 pm F2

  5. 15 v 18 F moves to 7/15 at 7:30 pm F2

  6. 17 v 19 F moves to 7/15 at 7:30 pm F1

I want to remind everyone to note the date in the top left corner of the schedule to be the most up to date as of 6/28/24.


Below is the updated schedule to include the 13-18 division.

Reminder: The most up to date schedule is based on the date in the top left corner with the most recent version being as of 6/6/24.


Happy Friday!

We are very excited to share our t-shirt fundraiser! These shirts are similar to previous years where they will be the same shirt color and logo as the team uniforms with the addition of being able to add a player's name and/or number to the back.

These flyers can be printed from this photo here or there will be printed copies available in the concession stand starting tomorrow. This is open from today to next Friday, June 7th. Order forms need to be completed along with cash or check made payable to D&R Sports and turned into the concession stand. Once this closes we expect to receive the orders within 1-2 weeks and they will be available to be picked up from the concession stand. I will be available at the park Thursday evening from 5:30-7pm for those who are not able to turn forms in before then given that we don't have games Friday.

These are for T-SHIRTS ONLY but a great way to not only support the players individually but support the league as a whole!

Happy Friday! We are very excited to share our t-shirt fundraiser! These shirts are similar to previous years where they will be the same shirt color and logo as the team uniforms with the addition of being able to add a player's name and/or number to the

13-18 Registration ENDS MAY 10TH!


Sunday, May 19th

13-18 coaches meeting @1pm on Field 1

13-18 Draft @2pm on Field 1


Coaches Meetings

There will be MANDATORY coaches meetings on Sunday, April 21st at Fireman's.


4-5 & 6-8 meeting will be at 1pm at Field 1

9-12 meeting will be at 2pm at Field 1

9-12 draft will be at 3pm following the coaches meeting


Reach out with any questions!



Here we go folks!


The 46th year of girls fast pitch softball is underway! Due to the disposal of our previous software program by our supplier the board decided to utilize a program by Sports Engine.

This will also help with the often fluid task of scheduling and any changes that inevitably always occur but allow EVERYONE to be aware instantly.

As with anything new, there is the need to adjust accordingly. So as YOU register your girls you’ll be basically be starting from scratch, like we are from the information standpoint.

Returning players will be treated as new ones to build the new database.

Girls will be returning to their previous teams unless they are moving up because of their ages so that will be the same as it’s always been.

You will be asked to submit a picture of birth certificates for EVERY player being registered. With today’s technology and a smartphone it is a breeze for everyone.

As with any new system there will be some quirks but so far things seem to work pretty smoothly with our test registers so far.

We have made arrangements and will be going with different uniform suppliers that are known and experienced people with proven capabilities.

We have utilized a different insurance program as well that has streamlined that process as the former one had become quite cumbersome to deal with.

The demands placed on our coaches have been adapted as well as they are any league’s greatest assets.

Everyone will still be required criminal background checks and receive instruction on how to conduct themselves correctly with OUR kids!

They will also be given guidance from some of the most successful coaches in our area. It’s no small wonder why folks in multiple states have heard of Niles in the softball world for years!

Setting all this up is and has been no small task! The efforts that have been made to make this all happen have and will always fall on a select few as it has for the last 46 years!

There will be some “tweaks” to the ground rules in multiple divisions to bring a more staged progression in competition and development of our players as all will see.

We will still be striving to deliver No Better Girls Softball Anywhere at the NBGSA!

There has been a cost increase of $5 per player across the board. There hasn’t been any increase in years and we all know how EVERYTHING costs more nowadays software and insurance people included. Yet, we’ve kept it pretty minimal. There is, as always, a discounted fee for multiple players from any one family.

So, sit down at your computer or stop texting on your phone for a few minutes and get OUR kids registered. We won’t be stuck in Siberia for long and it’s gonna be time to



Your Board

Welcome to NBGSA

Our objective is to implant firmly in the youth of the community the ideals of Good Sportsmanship, Honesty, Loyalty, Courage, and Respect, so that they may be happy, strong and well-adjusted youth and will grow to be good, decent, healthy, trustworthy adults.

days until OPENING DAY!



We are grateful for our sponsors!